I Want My Voice To Be Heard

A Voice Once Heard is A Voice to Be Heard
By: Eingel Calayag

All my life, I've been thinking over and over to have a job in the radio broadcasting industry. This thing has crossed my mind over and over again and still, I can't get over it. I've always been told that I have this ability to talk to people and to answer their problems flawlessly. And a few years ago, I watched a movie about a DJ helping people with their love problems and I automatically fell in love with the DJ's role and life that I, too, want to be a successful DJ like that in the movie. Also, I'd love to have my voice be heard over the radio without other people even knowing who I really am (unless I tell them so).

With that, I've already researched about how to be a good DJ and how to start a radio station in school and all the other stuffs related to the topic and I found out that I can't just start off that easily. But once you start, it would be pretty hard to stop. Being a DJ is a pretty fulfilling and wonderful job that not everyone in existence would be successful in. It takes pride, honesty and a lot of words to say to be a DJ, that's for sure.

One of the perks of being a DJ (if I do say so myself) is that you get to have supporters and new friends everyday. You get to talk to different kind of people with different kind of experiences and you get to make people happy with just talking to them through the phone in the radio station. It's not everyday you get to meet people on the radio, you know. And it's quite an honor to meet those kinds of people that still actually listen to the radio, unlike other people that don't even bother to so much as look at their own home radio.

The disadvantages, however, are too often scars. You get to have bashers and people that don't agree to what are you are trying to point out as your own opinion on the subject. Those are also what you call haters. 

To wrap this all up, I just want to say that those of you who want to be a DJ, be ready to face challenges. But don't worry, those challenges are the fun ones! And always remember: "A voice once heard is a voice to be heard."


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