The Laurel Crown

During our discussion of 'Florante at Laura', we discussed about the author, Francisco 'Balagtas' Baltazar. One of the most specific things that I could remember among the discussion was the reason why Balagtas had a 'dahon ng laurel' or bay leaves on the right and left side of his head. Ms. Khamz explained to us that it was because it was to let the people know that he was intelligent and had a fulfilling life. He finished what he had to finish and gained fulfillment.

So, as you can see in the picture, I made myself a laurel crown. Firstly, the crown was just a big white ring made of rolled up paper that stuck together using a scotch tape. I got the idea of putting bay leaves on it because while we were passing down our project in Filipino (pictures of every lesson in Florante at Laura), I saw one with Francisco's face. He had the bay leaves and the whole story went back to me. I decided that I would put bay leaves on the white soon-to-be-crown.

Then suddenly, I thought of something. And I would also like to inform you people.. You see, I got a 100% on our quiz yesterday in English (I guess my work REALLY paid off!). And I thought that it was the biggest fulfillment I could have in my whole life. Well, not really but you get the point. So, since the bay leaves on a person represent intelligence and fulfillment, it truly suits for my situation almost perfectly. It did ALMOST the same for Geometry. I got a 100% on our last activity which was just given to us yesterday and was given back to Mrs. Aldea. And earlier, I actually UNDERSTOOD a lesson for the first time over. I didn't have to have anybody repeat it for me. I was so proud! Well, usually, I repeat the lesson myself to others so that I would also further understand it but I didn't even repeat myself yet I understood perfectly (almost) the lesson.

So, when I got home, I was so urged to buy bay leaves to put on the crown. I asked my mom if ever the 'dahon ng laurel' would rot and she said that it wouldn't since it was already dry. So, my mom told me to buy some outside. And I was like, "No. No. No. Me no like the outside world. I like in here where safe." Yes, I sound like a little girl never going out the house before. And in that note, my mom just told me that we should go outside and see the bay leaves for myself.

After that, my dad arrived and told me to just make a similar looking bay leaves and not the real ones since it would just fall apart while it's still on my head. And because of that, I took dad's advice and took some pieces from the used up green cartolina that I had left over yesterday from when I made my 'Word for the Day'. I cut some pieces to look like leaves and the result was the picture above.

Yes, my life is going quite perfectly ever since I renewed it. Nothing has changed actually. Except for a little bit of my study habits. I started LOVING to study. Like, every break time, I would always have my textbooks in hand. I think I'm creeping myself out because I'm not usually THIS determined to study before. Dianne says that maybe it's because I'm in love and all that. And that I'm inspired because of him. Whenever Dianne tells that to me, I feel hot and blushing and all that. In other words, she's right. I can't focus without him, to be honest. But it's not like I want him to be standing in front of me while I study! I just don't want him to leave my thoughts and the fact that he's the reason why I'm active to study after all. He's my motivation and inspiration. Okay! Enough with that drama.


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