Week-Long Birthday Celebration (01-24-2014)

You may not know but this whole week starting from Monday, January 20, 2014 up until today, I've been greeting (and still greeting) one of my dearest friend, Joanne. It's her birthday today, Joanne-uary 24.

On a certain January 19, I remembered that it was going to be Joanne's birthday on Friday. So I decided that the whole week, I'd greet her everyday. To be honest, I actually didn't plan greeting her everyday. It just went naturally from my bubbly personality to automatically say "Happy Birthday" to her every time I see her in school. And so I did.

And when the actual day came, I was so prepared to give her a present. But during the morning that I arrived, I couldn't find her anywhere. When we started the morning ceremony in the roof deck, we saw her arrive just before the morning exercises started. But we were already in our line so we just tried to whisper-call her (me and Dianne) but it was a fail. So, we just gave the gift after the honors' convocation.

And after our honors' assembly, we had our intrams dry run for the parade on February 3. After that, then did we go to Guest House to go and eat and celebrate Joanne's birthday. It was so much fun! The people we went with were Dianne, Rv, Chesca and also.. The birthday girl herself. We ate tons of food and ordered our very loved iced tea tower. After that, we took some pictures of each other using Chesca's iPad and Joanne's tablet. Not so long enough, we were aching to sleep (me and Joanne) and then, we went home. Tihihi!


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