The Fault In Our Stars

John Green's Never-Ending Amazing-ness

#TFIOS Book Review

I'm pretty sure you've missed me guys since I stopped posting. Well, I'd just like to welcome you all to the month of May! Yay! Just to update you guys, we're back from Seoul. Had fun. Yeah.

So when we went back home, I got a very quick visit to the National Book Store nearby and I saw a new book cover of "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green. I was so shocked 'cause I was hoping I'd still see the old cover lying around the book shelves so I could buy one of my own copies. I had a long face and wasn't able to buy one copy of my own. (Yes, I'm very picky with book covers) When we got home, I sobbed the whole night through regretting not to buy the book because of its new cover. The next day, I still couldn't recover so I went to another book store namely "Fully Booked" and saw one hardcover copy of the book. The ONLY copy left in the store. So, I took it immediately and paid for it right away before I changed my mind.

Three days after, I finished reading the book. Ever since I started reading the book, I kept posting tons of comments about the book (that I'm just going to copy and paste here so I won't have to rethink and retype it all over again):

-"I'm not crying.. I'm.. I'm just watering my eyes inwardly and the ones that don't reach my eyes go directly out of the sides of my eyes. Okay, that was weird. I admit it, I'm crying. Why you do this to me, John Green? -3-#TheFaultInOurStars"

-"The Fault in our Stars is completely addicting.
I'm in the middle and it already makes me want to read it again. #Page125 #Page153"

-"Finished reading "The Fault in our Stars". :')
It made me cry the whole day. A perfect eye-cleanser & soul-cleanser. Made me want to have cancer and join a Support Group. LOL. Just kidding. And I'm thinking of reading it again."

-"I SERIOUSLY found a new addiction.
If I hadn't bought the book and wouldn't have read (and reread) it, I would've missed out a lot. Glad I did. :>"

So now, I think I just probably gave away all my comments about the book. In shorter terms, I absolutely loved it. I don't know how to make a proper book review so, this is what I came up with. I'm not going to talk about the plot of the book. Not even the summary 'cause I don't want to spoil. Just.. Read the book. ;) You'd understand me.


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