Hey, Guess What?

You'll never believe what just happened! (And I am pretty sure you have a clue of what I'm going to post about now because of the photo above) Besides having to cut the debate earlier (with me and Christian as the coaches), PAMPI & I NOW HAVE CERTIFIED FUSION 2016 TICKETS!!!

But really, it all started out as a simple "I'm going to buy tickets to this and I will do whatever it takes to go here!" kind of thing that I always say when concerts happen but I never get to do it. This is the first time I actually did it. And the amazing part about it, even the stars aligned for me to be able to go to this concert. Like, a few days after I announced online that I would buy FUSION Tickets, our adviser told us that on January 28 and 29, we have no classes because of a teacher's outing. And I was like, "This is perfect! I won't have to worry if I come late to the concert because it starts at 5pm!" but take note: I still haven't bought my ticket at that time yet.

So for pure clarification, I told my parents and they told me that I had to find someone to go with first before I actually buy the tickets. And so I suddenly thought of inviting Pampi. She agreed and everything went awesome. Although a few bumps happened, still, the stars argued, aligned and agreed.

Now, I'm a happy kiddo with her music festival tickets!

Get to know more over here!
This is EingelClyg. ❤︎

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