No Emoticon Challenge

I challenge myself to a 'No Emoticon Challenge'!

I've realized, in Facebook, that I always use emoticons. And that I use them excessively and abundantly. So, I challenged myself on this day: January 29. 2014, Wednesday, to stop using emoticons in Facebook. And because of this little challenge, I made a contract:


No Emoticon Challenge Contract

I, Pauline Eingel Nicole S. Calayag, have accepted, on the date of January 29, 2014, Wednesday, the challenge of not using any emoticon or sticker issued or updated by Facebook on my posts starting from January 30, 2014, Thursday. This is to assure that I will not overuse my ultimate power to use these kind of emoticons (such as :), ;), :( :'(, :">, <3 etc.). This challenge is made also to avoid misuse of the punctuation marks. Note: I can use emoticons in chat box & messaging but with a maximum of 20 emoticons per day.

If ever this challenge will be unsuccessful, I will NOT interact fully with my friends for fun for one month. I will only talk to them if needed for school work or necessary projects. But I will not laugh, cry nor join my friends in their fun-filled trips IF EVER I AM NOT TO BE SUCCESSFUL OF THIS CHALLENGE.

Pauline Eingel Nicole S. Calayag, 'Bitter Queen'

Atty. Asdfghjkl Qwertyuiop B.C.


Yes, I made the whole 'Atty. Asdfghjkl Qwertyuiop B.C.' up. But hey, you guys are my witnesses! That's enough for me. Well, the contract says it all. There's nothing for me to add except, 'Good luck to me!'. May I succeed this challenge.

A little short story why I made this is we were in the library yesterday. I borrowed this book with a very long title called, "If You Don't Know Where You're Going, You'll Probably End Up Somewhere Else". So far, it taught me that we should plan for future goals for future successes. I borrowed the book for my overlook in the future. But it taught me something else. It taught me that no matter how small or big an achievement is, an achievement is an achievement. You can't argue with that logic, can ya'? So, yeah..


  1. Thank you for commenting and for those little pieces of information about the apostles' teachings! In return, I will follow your blog.

    Please continue visiting my blog as well.

    God Bless You!
    Have a nice day!

    -EingelClyg :)


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