Year of the Juniors :)
"Defining Yourself to Junior-ism"
By: Eingel Calayag
This is the year awaited for almost everyone. This is the year where true love MIGHT be found, this is the year where you begin to be who you really are, a year that will serve as an inspiration in the future and the year to find yourself and discover what are your true capabilities. And most likely, a year for our first promenade. Like every other student, I, too, am excited for this school year. Especially now that I'm a junior.
By my own understanding, a junior is close to being a senior. But before you step up into being a senior, you must first grab the challenges that the junior year will be giving you. I must say, by my own interpretation, that the junior year is going to be difficult, challenging, competitive but at the same time fun, exciting and amusing. Why do I say this? Because now, I'm a JUNIOR. And I'm already smelling the fresh breeze of junior-ness. I could write a dozen novels right now (for all I care) but because I have no spare time, I'm wasting all my time being a junior. And that's.. Fulfilling, I guess.
The junior year is the year I find true meaning to why I'm walking on this Earth. The year that will be the highlight among all of the years. Because this year, I am stepping up to maturity and lady-ness. But most likely, maturity. I'm not much up to being ladylike, unlike other girls. And so, because of this, I am to be more mature in my actions, words and in my spirituality (whatever that means). I will no longer be some kind of childish girl that used to draw on her palms for assignments and an unorganized student that has clutter on her bag all day. Never again will I be that student. I'm a fresh version of myself, if I do say so myself.
In general, I define the junior year as a step up to reality. The stairway to an open door awaiting for all of us to enter. The year where we close doors and open new ones to come. This is the time for us to reflect on our own personality, whether we need to change it or not. A time for us to think about keeping (or replacing) our circle of friends depending on what kind of influence they are to us. All in all, the junior year is all about change. All about being a fresh start to yourself. And I believe that we should all do that. A fresh start. Are you up for the challenge?
If you are, I guess I could give you tips on how you can make this year a memorable one (read it even though you won't be able to do all of it):
-From the first day of school, prom, extracurricular activities up to the last day of school, it must all be recorded. It doesn't mean that you need to bring a camera everyday to take a picture of the moments. It just means that you need to remember and have fun on everything you'll be doing. Write on a diary or journal and once you look back on what you've written, you'd be surprised on how so much has happened the year that has been.
2. Never miss out on opportunities.
-When the teacher asks you if you want to join on an activity, think about it and remember Y.O.L.O. and go for it! Nothing beats the school year than a lot of pictures on your yearbook filled with your face and your participation. And these kind of opportunities also include life opportunities. Like, a boy having a crush on you and asks you if he could court you. Might as well take a chance on him. He's better than nothing!
3. Make a New Grade Resolution.
-Ever heard of a New Year's Resolution? Of course, you have. Therefore, you must also make a New Grade Resolution on what you want to achieve for yourself this year. May it be in the aspects of academics or what as long as YOU DO IT.
4. FINALLY tell.
-Got a secret you've been hiding all throughout these years? Had a crush on the basketball team's captain? Online stalked someone for as long as now? TELL THEM. It won't hurt to tell. You'd just laugh them off with the people and they'll never suspect that what you said was true. And if ever there's that special someone you've been aching to talk to, finally TALK to him or her. This is your chance to be you!
5. Jump, Fall and Get Caught!
-This isn't literally a jump-off-a-building-and-fall-off-a-clift moment and get caught doing so. I meant, do risky things and get caught for it. Something very small like, putting a fake cockroach on the teacher's table or put a "SLAP ME" sign on the back of your enemy. Something mischievous that you would never do. But of course, the "GET CAUGHT" is just an option. If you don't want to, plan your devious plan accordingly. This tip also applies to a "love" situation. But don't take it literally. Just fall in love and make sure the one you fell into will catch you. THAT is something worth remembering.
Well, that's just about what I can say about this topic! I hope you guys understood and enjoyed reading this blog post. Comment below if you like. :) Enjoy your day!
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