Fight for your Rights (Debate)

Earlier today, we had our first set for the Asian Parliamentary Debate (hear, hear!). Just before this day, we had a seatwork in regards with the debate itself (about the fallacies you can commit during the debate) . It was to determine the coaches for each group and the ones that would be exempted for the actual debate. Lucky as I am, I was one of the lucky nuggets to have been exempted for the debate. On the contrary, I was one of the coaches for the debate itself.

I was asked to handle the second to the last group consisting of Ms. Reyes, Mr. Corpuz, Mr. Pena and Mr. Castuera. At first, I thought it would seem like a challenge to coach these people but after the second meet-up with the debate groups, I got to test their debating skills to the challenge. They were able to defend their part as the government side with me as the only one in the opposition side. Four against one. Though there were times that they blank out after I talk to them, I can say that they've got the will and the guts to go through this.

Good luck to us on Thursday! :)

But for now, I'd like to talk about the debate that happened earlier. It was actually very intense and very satisfying to watch. The two groups trying to out-win each other and trying to prove the other side wrong even though there are hundreds of lapses that they've went through and that they did not prove their point to the fullest because of the time pressure. It was all just satisfying. It was like watching war without the actual dying and blood... and gore.

It was also so intense that I had to grip to my seat and listen to their reasons back and forth. I even got to "Point of contrary!" at one point in the debate. But the rest was all Christian and Ms. Zosimo. Oh, I almost forgot. I was one of the judicial judges (is that even correct?) for the debate. Therefore, I had to choose from the opposition side to the government side. But I'm not saying who won through this blog post. (That would be spoiler)

So yeah. I'll be looking forward to tomorrow for the second portion of the Asian Parliamentary Debate and hopefully, get a lot more than what I expected just like what happened from the first.

Kudos to my fellow classmates undergoing the pressure! :)

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